September 26, 2008

MoSS: Next weekend!

"The Museum of Sustainable Style features clothing, accessories, and furniture that inspire and respond to current form and function necessities, without compromising our environmental abilities to meet future needs."  (from the MoSS website, I couldn't have said it better myself)
I am looking forward to this show!  Its October 2-5, free admission, and a panel discussion taking place on the 4th.  I hope you can make it!

September 23, 2008

Local Food Knowledge

I have been hearing about this book for sometime, but finally picked it up after I wanted to start a fall garden and everyone's advice I sought went in a different direction.  So I called a friend, who just moved to Cali and has the greenest thumb I know and she said 'Oh I don't know, let me find this book, I always use it as a garden reference'.  This book was Animal, Vegetable, Miracle By Barbara Kingsolver. I bought it, read it, and won't think of my garden in the same way again.  Also,  I have been vegan for sometime: mostly because I never had the time to look into local foods.  Even though I won't eat meat again, this book gave me a new perspective on local foods, food origins, and has made me rethink my approach to my diet: and how my diet affects our world.

I have much more to say, but I'll let the book speak for itself. (Its much more interesting!)

September 16, 2008

Boomerang Houses for everyone

This home has a small 1000sf footprint, and its green & gorgeous as well!
Using the curves of an Aussie boomerang as a design concept, the home uses growing grass roof & walls, and has a structural resistance of 8.0 on the richter scale.  If you are ever building a new home, its important to consider the area you are building in, what types of materials are suitable for that area, are they local materials?  

September 15, 2008

So everyones on the reusable bag kick by now, right?
I sure hope so, as plastic & other disposable bags use resources that we don't really need to be using, and they cause negative environmental impacts as well.  

Well check out the lovely baggu

Look at all of these colors!  Everytime I remember to bring my baggu I get really excited!  Yes, that might be a little dorky, but its the little things, right?:)