November 28, 2008

Do it yourself: laundry detergent...coming soon

I am working on a few projects right now, for some upcoming posts.  I have been thinking to myself what else I can cut out buying at the store, that I can do myself at home?  I have been thinking about this because I would like to be self sufficient.  What if the current industrial manufacturing process just fell apart?  I know this is unlikely to happen, but if it did, I would like to know I could survive, and maybe even have clean clothes.  Leading to my first upcoming project: home made laundry detergent.  

Laundry detergent can get a bit expensive.  Its pricey to ship which is reflected in the price, especially if you buy liquid detergent (you are paying to ship water).  Both laundry and dishwashing detergent can negatively affect your surrounding waterways too; by leaching phosphates.  Phosphates are known to stimulate algae blooms which suffocate plant and animals in the rivers and streams.
So by using a detergent with no phosphates, and less or no surfactants (this causes foam when waterways churn) we will be affecting the water quality less.  One of the biggest peeves I have heard is when 'eco soap' doesn't foam; but soap that foams a little or none does the same thing their foamy peers.  

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