I am in love with slash jealous of Sarah Cihat's work. So beautiful! Its all found ceramics from resale shops/thrift stores, and she gives them a new identity through glazing techniques. 

This brings me to discuss: I don't get the 'Going green! Getting rid of everything!' ad's on Craigslist. I totally support if you need a new table, buying a new bamboo table (rapidly renewable material) and I also support buying something that totally exists and updating it (a la Sarah's rehabbed plates). But come on, getting rid of everything to buy all new 'stuff' is a point missed.
Let me digress, I found these on craigslist, so these people aren't landfilling their old things by any means. I simply think this shows how the 'green movement' is being marketed in such a way that reduces this movement to consumerism and a way to sell us more schtuff, and more labels to sort through: low fat/ organic/ green.
Where we choose or choose to not put our cash is one of the most impactful votes we can give, daily. I totally appreciate Sarah's work and the new value she has given to old things!
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