Some friends and I have been dreaming about having chickens in our backyard for some time now. Can you just picture waking up on a Saturday morning, having a piping cup of coffee and reading the BBC, and then going out back, 10 feet from your door to harvest some eggs, go inside crack them in a pan and golden sunny side up eggs completes the morning. Eggs fresh from the backyard, you know where they came from, you know what the chickens eat and they are so delicious its like wandering through a Haruki Murakami novel in your mouth?
Well, you can legally keep chickens in your backyard in Chicago. Currently there is no blog or website that shows this, but you can attend a class near the city to show you how to care for your new lovelies. And check out this blogger from California that has been following this movement.
Seeing the local agriculture movement break into the city scape is not only giving us some edible landscaping and beauty, but is allowing us to appreciate how our food gets to us from farm, or backyard, to plate.
Will you be eating these eggs??? Since when? I'm thinking of getting some chickens myself. They're also supposed to be a great help with yard pests.
Well, I visited a farm a few months ago to see dairy cows and talk to the farmer. (I am waiting on my friend to get me pictures for the post). After talking to the farmer, I realized I want to support small, sustainable farmers. So now I am still scared of milk, but I'll buy it from Traders Point Creamery...and there is a farm by my parents house that has delicious eggs. I'm glad I'll eat them again because they are so good!
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