December 21, 2008

Chickens are in this year . . .

In Northern California, backyard chickens are the latest accessory. They have by far surpassed the Prius in popularity contests among the eco-conscious housewife set. They make an amusing addition to the household. Happy chickens will give you an egg a day once they are mature. Another benefit - you can feed them all of your veggie table scraps and use the chicken poop for your compost. What a time saver!

Actually, backyard chickens have been around here since the last wave of planet savers came through in the seventies. Here's an article from the la times about a local flock that is creating havoc:,0,6832003.story.

I have run across these fellas a few times myself. They're just a few miles away. I find it refreshing when a chicken stops traffic - even if I am in a hurry.


1 comment:

Crystal | The Indo Projects said...

i'm all about this backyard chicken epidemic. Now we need a pair of cinderella slippers to feed the cluckers