Kind of disturbing? There are so many petroleum based products in our lives: most of them in the form of plastics: and many we don't even know or think about! So how can we take care of the massive amount of throw away products that consume our lives, the land fills and the ocean fills if we really aren't aware of how much they define the way we live?
Many of these plastics end up in ocean fills, which are humongous tide pools of current that draw in so much trash that there is a huge floating piles of it thousands of miles wide. The most well known is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. I read about this in The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman. In one terrifying chapter Alan describes that the plastic problem will not solve itself, as they have only been around 50 years or so, will most likely take thousands of years to disintegrate (into what we do not know), and knowing their outcomes is impossible because they will far out last us.
Saran wrap, laundry detergent, grocery bags, chip bags, shampoo bottles, food containers, packaging material, trash bins, cd and dvd cases, records, toothbrushes, micro scrubbing beads in your face wash, toys, pens, cups, bowls, furniture, building parts. so. many. things.
So what to do? It can be kind of overwhelming trying to figure out how to live symbiotically with the earth, when our society is set up on the basis of a disposable culture. My advice is to take care of one thing at a time. First, I did away with plastic grocery bags by getting the Baggu.
Next Step: plastic bags at the grocery store that you put produce in. You can try something like this, or I am sure you can find your own bags at home! Most of the time, I don't even use any bag when getting produce. Sometimes the checkout clerk won't so happy, but do you really need the bag?
What do you do to reduce the plastic in your life?
Looks like you had the same horrified reaction to the "Plastics" chapter as I did ... makes me think that not consuming plastic should be one of the tenants of veganism.
I totally agree with you there, how about a tenant of humanism? Oy.
My cousin wants to start a non-profit . . . he's going to send web capable camera kits to sources of environmental devastation. he really wants to put a camera here.
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